Hayfork Bally Repeater Upgrades

Trinity County Amateur Radio Club
2 Meter Repeater Ad Hoc Committee

Hayfork Bally 2M Repeater Inspection 06/29/2024

Inspection conducted by Travis Finch, KN6TGF and Karl Fisher, KJ6OCL.

First Priority:

  1. Replace (E) wood solar panel frame with a new angle iron and/or Unistrut frame.
  2. Install an Ice Bridge between the building wall and the antenna pole. (4’-6” max.)
  3. Install new strut to support the antenna cable from pole to building. Require new bolts through pole or rely on Ice Bridge support around circumference of pole.
  4. Install a “pig tail” (~ 24”) between the antenna cable and the Antenna connector.
  5. Install new, more substantial hardware to keep the antenna cable tight to the pole.

First or Second Priority:

  1. The antenna cable itself appears to be in good condition. However, as long as we are working on the antenna cable, it might be worth the time to replace the cable with a “hard wire” (Heliac ??) cable). It will require ~ 50’ of cable. I believe that TCARC has enough of that cable in stock. That should be verified.
  2. Also, since we are already there working on the repeater, the duplexer cables should also be replaced with new LMR (~10’) along with PL 295 and BNC connectors.
  3. Since we are already there, the installation of a telemetry module might be worthwhile. The module runs about $80.

Second Priority:

  1. Upgrade the power storage. Rolls S6-460AGM a 100HR battery. We currently have 2 of those batteries in place for storage. The conversation is: add two more batteries or replace the two batteries with four new batteries. Apparently, the price of those batteries dropped considerably. The two batteries in place are in good condition and could be for other applications. Linking repeaters, APRS, etc.

Third Priority:

  1. Thoughts about moving the solar panels to the North end of the building. Possible mounting between the antenna pole and the building or designing a cantilever frame that will allow mounting the panels far enough away from the building wall, so that snow that slides off the panels will fall to the ground. The moving the panels to the north end solves the current problem whereby the panels are shaded by tall trees, and it also significantly reduces the length of cable between the panels and the repeater.

Other Thoughts or Comments:

  1. Some information was provided by Robert, KB6YTD as he was also attending the picnic that day.
  2. There is a solar panel, not in use, that is stored on site. I believe this panel was purchased with the Rotary Grant. Thus, this panel is available for other uses.

Update 08.29.2024

Note:  Although moving the solar panels to the North end of the roof is the #3 priority, it seems to make sense to do it rather than spending time building two new solar racks at the current place. The highest priority being reliable comms through the winter snow storms.  kj6ocl

Joe:  (Trindade Electric), per Frank, has volunteered to work on the solar portion of this project.

Rick:  (KC6JYH) has a lot of repeater experience and I suggest that Travis and Rick get together on the other aspects of this project (batteries and the autopatch, etc.).

Frank:  (W6FGM) I am assuming, will work with Joe on the solar portion, probably the new solar racks at the opposite end of the roof. Frank has indicated to me that he is below water with his job and other community issues. However, Frank is going to set aside a day for this project.

Travis:  (K6TFG) is also typically very busy with his own business. Thus I suggest that Frank and Travis get together and plan a Saturday work day so that the rest of us can put on our calendars.

Karl:  (KJ6OCL) I will probably not know what I can do until I see the date that is selected and get a feeling for where I am in my recovery. In the meantime, I will continue to be the point person coordinating this project. If I am able to do physical work safely on the selected date, I will be there with tools and ladder(s) as needed.