Welcome to TCARC
Trinity County is mostly mountains and forests. Over 70% of our County is either National Forest or BLM land.
Our TCARC is a growing club with a spike in membership post COVID and a number of Wildfires.
We are made up of very friendly people of all ages and both male and female. We all have our own reasons for being Hams and TCARC members. Each of us has our special interest in Ham Radio, from "rag chewing" to "QRP" to "buiding radios" to HF "contesting" and a lot of other reasons, including "public service" and "emergency Communications".
TCARC Meetings
Our TCARC meetings are held on the second Thursday of each and every month. The meetings start at 1830hrs. (6:30 PM) and usually end around 2000 hrs. (8:00 PM). Currently our meetings are at the Trinity County Office of Education, located at 201 Memorial Drive, Weaverville. Our meetings can also be attended via ZOOM. If you are not on our mailing list, you can get the ZOOM information by emailing us.
TCARC Weekly Net
TCARC Weekly Net is held on Thursday (except the second Thursday) of each month. Everyone is welcome to listen to these nets, however you must have a current FCC Amateur Radio Operators License to transmit on this net. See this page if you would like helpful information about Nets and how to participate in one. The net starts at 1930hrs. (7:30 PM), on our Bully Choop Repeater. At the end of this Net, the Net will then move to our Hayfork Bally Repeater. These are directed Nets. The NCS (Net Control Station) will "call" (ask for) the regular Net participants by Name and Call Sign. Then the NCS will call for "Late or Missed Members", followed by "Guests". After all participants have been recorded, the NCS will ask participants for any traffic that they have that might be of interest to the participants. FCC Licensed Hams are always welcome to participate in our Nets. TCARC 2 Meter Repeater programming information is located on this page.
After the NCS closes the Bully Choop Net, the NCS will then move the Net to the Hayfork Bally and then call for participants again. This is a short net, mostly to check the operation of the Hayfork Bally repeater and participants will be able to check their radios.